Celebrating Afro-Colombian Education

A Night with USAID and CULTIVA

As the sun set on a beautiful evening in June, the CULTIVA team hosted a unique dinner event dedicated to a cause close to our hearts. We gathered to honor and support the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) initiative to promote international education for Afro-Colombians. This was no ordinary dinner, but an uplifting gathering of minds, with the 2023 cohort of fellows sharing their dreams and experiences over plates of vibrant, local cuisine. USAID has long been at the forefront of international development efforts, and their work in Colombia is a testament to their commitment. The focus of their recent initiative? To bolster the educational opportunities for Afro-Colombians, a vibrant but often overlooked part of the nation’s fabric.

 This effort represents a crucial step towards a more inclusive and equitable future, where every Colombian child, regardless of their ethnic background, has access to quality education. The 2023 cohort of fellows, bright and eager, were the guests of honor at the dinner. Hailing from various corners of Colombia, each one of them is a beacon of hope for their communities. Their dreams are as diverse as they are, ranging from aspiring doctors to engineers, artists to educators – all united by their shared commitment to uplifting their communities and the nation. The night was alive with the spirit of camaraderie and shared dreams. Laughter echoed against the walls as anecdotes were traded, experiences shared, and future plans discussed. The fellows spoke about their journeys, the challenges they had faced, and the transformative role that education had played in their lives. Their narratives, poignant and inspiring, served as a reminder of the power of education to change lives and communities. 

CULTIVA, proud to host this event, stands in full support of USAID’s initiative. We believe in the power of education and the critical role it plays in fostering social change and economic growth. Our mission aligns seamlessly with that of USAID’s – to empower individuals through education, enabling them to become agents of change within their communities. As the evening wound down, the air was filled with a sense of hope and anticipation. Each of the fellows, with their dreams and determination, represented the potential for a brighter, more equitable future for Colombia. The success of this event reinforced our belief in the power of community, education, and inclusivity. 

The CULTIVA team extends its deepest thanks to USAID and the 2023 cohort of fellows for making this event an unforgettable one. We look forward to continuing our support for this vital cause and to seeing the extraordinary places these fellows will go. We’ll leave you with a quote that encapsulates the spirit of the night perfectly – “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela Here’s to change, growth, and the power of education! Learn more about these incredible cohorts at